Annex De

Annex international gmbh is the exporter of top brands of biscuits wafers and sweetmeat to over 25 countries around the world with daily production capacity of 200 tons as his own portfolio brand beside development and supply of private label products for international customers.
Annex de. To take possession of an area of land or a country usually by force or without permission. Annex m plural annexos annex an addition an extension annex an addition to a building related terms. Annex definition to attach append or add especially to something larger or more important. Annex 1 to the convention on international civil aviation personnel licensing as long as air travel cannot do without pilots and other ai r and ground personnel their co mpetence skills and training.
Annex shop massivholzküchen modulküchen. Further reading annex in diccionari de la llengua catalana segona edició institut d estudis catalans. An nexed an nex ing an nex es 1. The pic regulation applies to a list of entries for individual chemicals or groups of chemicals which are included in annex i and to mixtures containing such chemicals in a concentration that triggers labelling obligations under the clp regulation ec no 1272 2008 irrespective of the presence of any other substance as well as to articles containing these chemicals in an unreacted form.
Unsere modulküchen aus massivholz sind sehr hochwertig und deshalb hierzu besonders geeignet. How to use annex in a sentence. Module konfigurieren speichern oder sofort bestellen. Annex definition is to attach as a quality consequence or condition.
Küchenmodule von annex lassen sich übrigens auch problemlos umziehen und in die nächste wohnung mitnehmen. Um diese mobilität langfristig zu gewährleisten stellen wir hohe anforderungen an die qualität.